o, to mouth the moon
featured in La Vague, Issue 11: Give me Space
In the book Water and Dreams, Gaston Bachelard writes, "to hear the "o's" of water (eau), the whirlwinds and the roundness of their sounds." This slippage in translation is the editing structure for this series, merging the letter o's from the chapter "Water's Voice" with found images of the moon (from Exploring Space with a Camera by NASA), the spherical form in direct relationship with the ocean tides.

published by GRAVEL PROJECTS, 2021
AIR is a notational sound score for the breath. In music notation, a breath mark or luftpause (air-break) is a symbol for the performer to take a breath, similar to the comma in many written languages. The commas on the following pages were excavated from the Constitution of the United States of America. This score can be performed alone or together, as an individual or collective sounding, a chorus of breath. 

Cover design by Mark Foss, Risograph printed by lucky risograph), inkjet printed pages on Mohawk paper, hand bound, laser cut postcard insert by FreeFall Laser, vellum sleeve with vinyl sticker

Workbook for a Performance (the waves)

featured in prompt: issue 1 with collaborative publication by Jenni Crain
Workbook for a Performance (the waves) is a language-based performance score based on interventions of text from The Waves, by Virginia Woolf. This work locates wave patterns through a process of extrusion, where gaps surface to amplify an undercurrent of language, buoyant and slippery on the page. This is a workbook that invites multiple interpretations, embodied silences, collective performances, and participatory readings. With the words Virginia Woolf wrote in her diary on the day she finished The Waves (April 29, 1930) as another form of prompt, "I have never written a book so full of holes and patches; that will need rebuilding."

A A SA ES (between the sea and the sea)
featured in reductive journal: issue FOUR and BOMB Magazine, Fall 2016
published by GRAVEL PROJECTS, 2019
text from collection of Andalusian Poems written in 12-13 c. Arabic, translated to Spanish, then English in 1993. this fourth translation mines the text to bring the letters s, e, a, to the surface.

synesthesia (grid)

collaged book pages on archival paper (from Sound Medicine, chapter on Synesthesia)
14 x 11 inches each

synesthesia (waves)
collaged book pages on archival paper (from Sound Medicine, chapter on Synesthesia)
14 x 11 inches each

less than words can say
featured in reductive journal: issue four and la vague journal
correction fluid on found pages (from the book Less Than Words Can Say, Richard Mitchell, 1979)
all words and punctuation were removed except the comma, which in music notation is the mark for the breath.